How My Brain Won My Dream Girl: A Tale of Smarts Over Six-Pack Abs

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How My Brain Won My Dream Girl: A Tale of Smarts Over Six-Pack Abs

Hey friends!

Today, let’s talk about something we all have pondered upon at some point—love and relationships. We often get caught up in this cycle of wanting to look forever young, thinking that physical attractiveness is the golden ticket to finding true love. Let’s face it, we’re all aging and no matter how many spinach smoothies you guzzle, time has its way of catching up.

As I hit my 30s, I came to realize that if I wanted a meaningful, lasting relationship, I had to offer more than just my “fading good looks.” I mean, who really wants to be in their 50s, panicking that they’re losing their partner’s interest just because their hairline is receding? Not me!

Why Physical Beauty Isn’t Everything

Science shows us that certain physical traits are biologically attractive. For instance, men are naturally drawn to women with fuller hips as it indicates better child-bearing capabilities, or larger breasts suggesting better nurturing potential. But let’s dig deeper—what happens when those initial attractions wear off?

In my experience, and this might surprise you, intelligence is the ultimate turn-on for many women. In fact, some people identify as “sapiosexuals,” meaning they find intelligence irresistibly attractive.

My Strategy to Woo With Wisdom

So how did I use my noggin to capture the heart of the woman of my dreams? First off, I tuned into her interests. When we met, at a nightclub with pulsating music, the environment wasn’t the best for conversation. So I asked to go with me to a mall, where conversations can be more laid-back and relaxed.

I approached her not with cheesy lines but with a genuine interest in what she had to say.  To engage her while on this shopping trip, I threw in some fashion psychology about how colors can affect our mood and perception. Not only did it give us something to talk about, but it also allowed me to show off a bit of my smarts.

And guess what? She was engaged and interested, not just in the shirt I held up and asked her opinion on, but also in the conversation, and by extension, me!

Don’t Forget Body Language

While my words were doing their magic, I was also conscious of the non-verbal cues. I maintained eye contact but not in a creepy, intense way. I kept a respectful distance, making sure I wasn’t invading her personal space. Essentially, I aimed to make her feel comfortable and safe around me.

And let’s not underestimate the power of a genuine smile. That alone can make someone feel seen and appreciated, breaking down walls that might have otherwise stayed up.

Highlight the Hidden

Here’s a pro tip: Compliment something that she might be insecure about. Like, if she’s wearing a simple necklace, compliment how it brings out her eyes or how it adds to her outfit. This way, she knows you appreciate all of her, not just the “obvious” parts.

The Follow-Up: Keeping the Intellectual Flame Alive

Once you’ve caught her interest with your intellectual prowess, the game’s not over. Continue to engage her mind. Dive into interesting topics, share fun facts, or discuss books you’ve read recently. Google is your best friend if you need quick intellectual ammo, but also, never underestimate the value of good old-fashioned education.

So what’s the lesson here? Intelligence is a currency in the realm of dating that we often undervalue. It’s not only a way to connect on a deeper level but also something that can sustain a relationship long after the initial physical attractions fade.

What are your thoughts?

Ever fallen for someone who stimulated your mind more than your eyes?

Let me know in the comments below!

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