I Get It, You’re Lonely—But What If I Told You Loneliness Is a Health Hazard?

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I Get It, You’re Lonely—But What If I Told You Loneliness Is a Health Hazard?

Hey there, friends!

Or maybe I should say, potential friends? Look, I get it. Loneliness can be a comforting blanket sometimes, especially when the alternative is facing harsh rejection or social awkwardness. I’ve been that guy, the one who’d rather engage in an online forum on a Friday night than risk the embarrassment of talking to someone face-to-face. You know what? It’s high time we address this elephant in the room: loneliness isn’t just emotionally draining, it’s literally bad for your health.

But hold on, before you click away thinking I’m being dramatic, hear me out. The research is as startling as it is eye-opening. Brigham Young University conducted a study showing that the health risks of loneliness are on par with smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Yes, you read that correctly. 15 cigarettes a day! They also found that middle-aged people who are lonely are 24% more likely to develop heart disease. Another study from JAMA Internal Medicine suggested that being lonely increases your risk of an early death by 45% and hikes your dementia risk by 64%.

Now, I’m not just throwing numbers at you to scare you. I’m doing this to make you realize that loneliness doesn’t just leave you yearning for human connection, it pushes your body into a state of chronic stress. According to Ohio State University, if you’re lonely, you’re likely to produce more inflammation-related proteins. In layman’s terms? You’re going to get sick more often than people who aren’t lonely.

And let’s talk about self-care, shall we? I noticed when I was in the depths of loneliness, I didn’t just stop worrying about my appearance. Research shows that loneliness leads us to neglect other aspects of our well-being—like nutrition. Guys, we can’t just survive on takeout and instant ramen!

I don’t need to be a mental health expert to tell you that loneliness and depression often walk hand-in-hand. The less you interact with people, the more susceptible you are to feelings of desolation. To put it bluntly, if we sum up the increased stress, compromised immune system, poor nutrition, and heightened risk of depression? We’re talking about a recipe for disaster here.

So why am I hammering on this gloomy topic? Well, it’s simple. I want you to think about the very real, very scary health consequences of loneliness. Rejection from that cute girl at the coffee shop might sting for a few minutes, but it’s nothing compared to the lifelong burden of loneliness. So what if we flipped the script? What if we saw loneliness as the greater threat, a risk too big to ignore?

Would you then consider stepping outside of your comfort zone? Maybe join a local men’s group, a sports league, a gaming group, or simply say hi to that stranger at the coffee shop? I really hope you do because, trust me, your health—and your life—could depend on it. And hey, you might even make some friends along the way. 

What’s your game plan to combat loneliness?

Share your thoughts below; let’s make this a communal effort! 


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