Should You Pursue a Recently Single Girl? 3 Red Flags to Watch For
Crushing on a Recently Single Girl? Here’s When to Pause Before Making a Move
So, the girl you’ve been eyeing is back on the market—should you go for it right now? While there’s no official rulebook for handling this situation gracefully, there are a few key signs that might indicate it’s not the best time to pursue her.
Here are a few reasons why hitting pause could be the best choice.
She’s Fresh Out of a Long-Term Relationship
Everyone heals at their own pace, and there’s no magic timeline for moving on. Some people need a few months, others might need more time. When someone’s just exited a long-term relationship, a rebound is usually the last thing they need. Trust me, you don’t want to dive into something with someone who hasn’t fully healed yet.
I’ve been there—I once dated someone who jumped straight from one relationship into another without taking any time to process. It didn’t end well. She hadn’t taken the space she needed to reflect on what went wrong or learn from past issues, and those unresolved insecurities eventually spilled over, damaging what we had.
Give her the time she needs to fully step away from her past relationship. If it’s meant to be, you’ll both have a much better foundation when she’s truly ready.
She Brings Up Her Ex All the Time
If your conversations with her frequently circle back to her ex, that’s a red flag. When someone isn’t over their previous relationship, it’s often best to keep your distance until they’ve let go. You might end up getting tangled in unresolved feelings, which can create confusion and heartbreak down the line.
She’s an Ex of a Friend
This one’s tricky. Pursuing a friend’s ex can complicate things fast. While nobody owns anyone, it’s often a sign of respect to talk to your friend first if you’re considering going down this path. Be honest about your feelings, lay everything on the table, and see where they stand. Friendships are valuable, and if theirs means a lot to you, make sure their perspective is part of your decision.
In the end, timing is everything. Let things unfold naturally, and don’t rush it. If she’s the right one, waiting will only strengthen your connection.
Good luck, and remember: sometimes the best move is just being there without any pressure.
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