The 4 Protocols

The Sacred Kings > The 4 Protocols

The Protocols:

The Sacred Kings is a weekly transformational brotherhood; bringing together conscious and courageous men from around the world to sit around the virtual fire to accelerate profound and lasting shifts in their life, business, intimacy and relationships.


Through the unique transformational arc that’s created through the weaving of 4 Core Protocols (signature, shadow-work, edge-work and breath-work), men experience life-changing breakthroughs, penetrating insight, and accelerated growth in the areas that matter most to him.


Some men join with the intention of resolving long-persisting patterns of stuckness in their relationships; others join for the power and courage to lean into exciting new edges and opportunities in their business while others join for brotherhood and camaraderie.


Beyond core intent, all men who choose to sit around the fire will experience a gradual uplevelling in resilience, self-awareness and self-mastery that naturally trickles into every aspect of his life. 


Every month we sit around the fire to do DEEP work on 1 of 3 recurring themes:

  1. Sacred Intimacy (sex, love, relationships, etc.)
  2. Sacred Livelihood (business, career, purpose, etc.) 
  3. Sacred Kingdom (life, family, community, etc.)  


We approach the monthly theme through 4 unique practices that all contribute towards a “transformational arc” that accelerates the healings, breakthroughs and positive physical manifestations in that area.  


  1. Sacred Signature Session – to set the stage for life-changing shifts in the month to come.
  2. Sacred Shadow-Work – a deep journeying experience to reveal some of the most limiting patterns, beliefs and experiences that have been holding you back.
  3. Sacred Edge-Work – an inspiring and invigorating journey to the edges of what’s possible for you; while activating new potencies, capacities and availabilities to claim them.
  4. Sacred Breath-Work – a transmutational master-work to turn limitation into expansion; and shadow into virtue. 


Between sessions, men are encouraged to check-in daily via our “Private WhatsApp Channel” to stay connected to the brotherhood, be witnessed in their realizations and experiences, and keep the “fires of transformation” burning.


Join us, and be part of a movement that transforms lives and reshapes the future.

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