Why She’s Overlooking Your Online Messages: A Guide to Rectify It

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Why She’s Overlooking Your Online Messages: A Guide to Rectify It

Gone are the days when a simple “Hey, how’s it going?” sufficed in the digital dating scene. As online dating apps have evolved, so have the rules and protocols around initiating conversations. If you’re struggling to get responses to your initial messages, pay attention to the following tips to boost your chances.

  • Show You’ve Read Her Bio: Generic messages are easy to spot. Show her that you’ve read her profile by mentioning something unique about her. For example, if she mentions being a Harry Potter fan, let that be your starting point.
  • Proper Spelling and Grammar: While casual language is alright, make sure your initial message is grammatically accurate. First impressions are crucial, and using shorthand can make you appear careless.
  • Comment on Non-Physical Traits: Chances are, she’s already heard every physical compliment in the book. Opt for comments on her interests or experiences instead, like her travels.
  • Avoid Inappropriate Content: Sexual innuendos or explicit pictures are almost always a no-go for a first message. Keep it respectful and save the intimate conversations for later.
  • End with an Engaging Prompt: Your first message should make it easy for her to respond. Include a question or a call-to-action to keep the conversation flowing.

Learning to navigate the complexities of online dating takes time, but with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to improving your online dating game. What methods have worked best for you in initiating digital conversations?


In Summary: Crafting Your Digital Dating Approach


Being efficient and effective in your online dating life isn’t merely a skill—it’s an art. Armed with these techniques and an awareness of the unwritten rules, you’ll significantly increase the likelihood of establishing meaningful online connections.


So, the next time you’re about to shoot off a “Hi there,” or a basic “What’s up?”, pause. Review your strategy and remember: your first message is a make-or-break moment. Tailor it to show you’ve read her profile, keep your language clean and grammatically correct, focus on her interests, and provide a conversational hook. By following these steps, you’re well on your way to becoming a maestro of online dating.


What’s your strategy for approaching women online? Do you have any additional tips that have proven successful for you? Share your insights and let’s refine the art of online dating together.


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